818 seconds

 Posted on May 9th, 2010
 by Patrick 2 great comments. Room for one more!

Regional transit and brooding days seem to go hand in hand for me. Here’s another example from yesterday: me going to meet family to celebrate a birthday out west. Way out west. The flipbook movie is about 13 minutes long (out of a 40 minute trip to Oakville), so give it some time to load. Maybe this is a good time to call your mum?

If you missed it, just reload the page (the movie won’t need to download again) — or right-click on the movie and select “Play”. If nothing’s telling you it’s loading, you might need to install the Adobe Flash Player.

2 Comments on “ 818 seconds ”

  • Renee
    May 11th, 2010 7:04 am

    wow! I never noticed before how the ride out west is so "blah".

  • Patrick
    May 11th, 2010 2:10 pm

    The weather has a lot to do with it, Renee. I'll try it again on a sunny day.

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