The Flickr in my butt

 Posted on May 10th, 2010
 by Patrick 2 great comments. Room for one more!

For some strange reason people continue to submit photos to the TCL Flickr group despite the fact that it’s been mothballed for months now. I drop by every couple of weeks and there are ten to thirteen new photos awaiting approval — for only who knows how long. Weeping inconsolably, usually.

I feel like such a jerk.

Well, why not at least show off a few good ones, huh? It’s what the photographers were expecting when they joined my neglectful outfit.

So here’s the first of whatever (and whenever) I dig out the group pool. I believe this is that roller derby league I’ve seen plastered on every light pole around town.

nikkon, flickr, tcl,, pool, group, toronto, city, life
E-ville Dead by –nikon

2 Comments on “ The Flickr in my butt ”

  • melon.
    May 10th, 2010 8:46 am

    really cool pic here. really capture the motion.

  • Patrick Bay
    May 10th, 2010 9:15 am

    Cheers, melon. Drop by the photographer's Flickr site — there's more like it.

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